The Company
The establishment in Gaeta is composed of modern structures regarding bottling technology and conservation, has as its goal to achieve genuine wines, fine and high quality, always respecting the ancient wine traditions. Also this plant is provided by stainless steel tanks, 70, of which also temperature controlled, relying on a unit of fridge 600.000 fr/h.
The production capacity of this plant is 6,000 bottles per hour, fully automated, limiting the human component with the sole task of monitoring. The total annual production, therefore, amounts to 3,000,000 bottles, divided into various sizes and types, even if the actual production potential of reaching the 12 million bottles a year.
The CA.VI.CI. thanks to cutting-edge technology that is attached, its entire production chain is carried out under the HACCP control plans, without forgetting all the certification obtained for most of its products by the SGS international, the world leader in inspection, verification, testing and certification.
The wine-making plant of Velletri consists of 40 stainless steel tanks with a storage capacity equal to approximately 35,000.00 hectoliters of wine, and it makes use of the best wine-making technologies to enable you to preserve and enhance the quality of the grapes. In addition, there are three tamping lines, with an hourly production capacity approximately of 1,200.00 quintals of grapes. Are used also, fermenters with outside sleeves for temperature control, thanks to a brand refrigeration system from 600,000 fr/h. Whitout forgetting the presence, in the processing room, of the best technology for clarification and filtering of musts.